Torres Consulting

TORRES HOSPITALITY PODCAST. Ep 58 INTERVIEW: Paula Carreirao. International Content Marketing. AskSuite Hotel Chatbot. Brazil

Paula´s career has already seen a few twists: studied psychology, worked in a casino in Sweden, managed a Hotel in Brazil…until she decided to take yet another turn and settle within International Content Marketing. In this deep conversation, she talks about:

-The importance of trying new things, on giving yourself a chance to find your sense of purpose

-The “better to ask for forgiveness than for permission” attitude she applies

-Utilizing her optimism

-What being a “multipotentialite” means and how to take advantage of it

-How important it is to talk to others, to connect and ask for advice, and not being shy to give it a try

-The link between her studies in psychology and how to understand people´s needs and demands, to adapt marketing content And as always, advice to the young ones finding their way in life

Paula also contributes with

Pablo Torres

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